Saturday, October 3, 2009

What Does Elypsyz Mean???!!

So, the question of the year is "what does elypsyz mean?" Ok folks, we have decided to give you all a better understanding of our company and why in the world it has such a strange but original name (if you ask me ;). In the English language there is a gramatical tool called an 'ellipsis'. I'm sure you all have seen it before (...). According to, an ellipsis is "the omission of one or more items from a construction in order to avoid repeating the identical or equivalent items that are in a preceding or following construction". It is also used to signify that something is missing from a sentence. So, how does that apply to Elypsyz Clothing? EC is our creative vision that's been missing from the clothing game. We stand by our vision to bring originality by "avoiding to repeat identical or equivalent" styles and ideas. Hence, the reason for choosing 'Elypsyz' Clothing as our name. Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of who we are and what we WILL do.


Friday, August 28, 2009

Theyrrrre Heeeere!!!

Alright children you can all stop holding your breath, the shirts are in! These are the first of many so stay tuned. We're workin' on getting more pics, preferably ones with people wearing the shirts! So the only thing we can think of is for everyone to buy some shirts and send us pics of you wearing them, help us get our name out! Now, we know you're askin' yourself, "Self, how do I purchase one of these wonderful shirts?" Just send us an email, and we'll hook ya up!

Thanks for the love!


Coming Soon...

It's a celebration! Well...kinda. We are having our first release of our logo shirts along with our business cards. These were our first promo-logo business cards but the new ones are a bit different. Just imagine if these cards had a love child with steroids...maybe not. Needless to say, they're pretty dope. We haven't posted up pics of the shirts yet, but you can expect them to have our main Elypsyz logo on them. We will post up pictures of the shirts very soon so keep checking the blog for more info and remember, patience is a virture. Peace.


Hello World...

We here at Elypsyz Clothing would like to welcome you to our blog. All of our updates on current news will run directly through this blog. We will also give you a first hand look at our recently (and soon to be) released clothing. In addition, we will inform you about our endeavours beyond the blog. We do encourage feedback on our postings and would like to mention that this is a "hater-free zone". We promote original and inventive thinking and believe that it will be shown through our clothing.